Types of Hearing Aids

Listed below are the different types of hearing aids available to consumers. Listed alphabetically by manufacturers, these devices help to improve the quality of hearing for individuals with hearing loss. Most countries regulate these devices as medical devices, and their use is subject to specific regulations. In addition to the FDA regulations, ITE, RIC, CIC, and hybrid hearing aids have pros and cons. The differences between these devices are important for understanding the pros and cons of each.


hearing aids AdelaideUnlike BTE hearing aids, HC-Audiology ITE hearing devices fit in the ear and produce excellent sound amplification. These devices are typically more powerful and fit close to the ear, making them an excellent choice for people with severe hearing loss. They also tend to be more comfortable to wear since the hearing device is custom-made to fit the wearer’s ear. Here are some benefits of ITE hearing aids. Listed below are some of the pros and cons of ITE hearing aids.

Comfort and ease of use are two of the biggest benefits of ITE hearing aids Adelaide. However, since they sit near the ear, they tend to accumulate more ear wax, dead skin, grease, and dirt than other hearing aids. This also makes them more likely to require repairs, so regular maintenance is crucial. Also, users may experience feedback if the receiver and microphone are out of position. These issues can be addressed by hearing health professionals.


HC-Audiology RIC hearing aids can be customised to fit a variety of needs. While BTE hearing aids are fixed into a hard silicone mould, RIC devices can be removed and replaced easily without cost or hassle. This gives you more flexibility when changing or updating your hearing aid. The disadvantages of RIC hearing aids are similar to those of BTE devices, but the RIC receiver allows for more freedom.

The prices of RIC hearing aids are generally lower than those of a non-profit clinic. The cost of hearing aids increases as the practice’s gross revenue falls below a certain threshold. RICs are available at various technology levels and are priced accordingly. There are mid-level and premium RIC models. The most affordable ones cost around $200, and the most expensive models are priced at over $400. The difference between the lowest and highest priced RIC models is often minimal, resulting in a lower overall cost of care.


One of the best things about CIC hearing aids is that they’re practically invisible. Many people would prefer a small and discreet hearing aid, and CICs fit that bill perfectly. Plus, they are custom-fitted, so they don’t feel bulky or uncomfortable. Whether in a crowded public place or out on a date, CIC hearing aids should fit your style without compromising your appearance.

HC-Audiology CIC hearing aid is smaller than its name would suggest, but it offers plenty of listening benefits. The device sits within your ear canal, so it doesn’t interfere with your outer ear. It also doesn’t require you to keep it out of the way – unlike large outside-the-ear models – which require daily removal. The device comes with a convenient pull-out string to easily put it in your ear and remove it whenever needed.


The technology that powers hybrid hearing aids has been around for many years. The first of these devices was the Fortiphone model 40, which was developed by the London-based company Fortiphone Ltd. The hearing aid’s digital master processor was based on two vacuum tubes and one transistor and used a case similar to the Fortiphone model 23. It measured three and a half inches in diameter and weighed four ounces with batteries.

In the early 1980s, hybrid hearing aids combined analog components with digital technology for processing sounds. The analog component remained intact while an external computer in a lab programmed the digital component. Once the user finished using the hearing aid, the digital component was disconnected and functioned like a traditional wearable hearing aid. However, it was designed to improve hearing and provide more flexibility and precision. In addition, hybrid hearing aids Adelaide are less expensive than fully digital models.