Cosmetic Dentist Adelaide: What Can a Cosmetic Dentist Do For You?

A MyDentist cosmetic dentist Adelaide is a highly skilled dental professional who combines artistic abilities with dentistry to enhance patients’ smiles and boost their confidence. They offer treatments that can improve crooked or chipped teeth, cover deep discolouration, and repair cracked teeth.

Finding the right cosmetic dentist can make all the difference in your treatment results and experience. Choose a dentist who listens to your goals and makes honest recommendations based on your unique situation.

Gum contouring

cosmetic dentist AdelaideGum contouring is the process of reshaping your gum tissue. It is used to reduce or remove excess gum tissue and sculpt your smile’s shape. It can be performed alone or with other cosmetic dental procedures, such as teeth whitening and veneers. The procedure is safe and painless, and it can help you achieve the smile you have always wanted.

Excessive or uneven gum line tissue can make your teeth appear shorter than they are, making them look unnaturally small and disproportionate to your face. This condition is often referred to as a “gummy smile.” It can result from genetics, certain health conditions or even side effects of prescription medications.

During the gum contouring process, your doctor will use a scalpel or a laser to trim away and reshape the excess gum tissue. It will reveal more of your natural tooth surface and give you a more balanced, symmetrical gum line. If necessary, sutures will be used to hold the tissue in place.

Following the surgery, it is important to follow your dentist’s instructions for care to lessen the risk of infection and speed up the healing process. For example, eating foods that do not require much chewing or are soft, such as yogurt, pasta, steamed vegetables and eggs is best.

Composite bonding

Composite bonding is a cosmetic treatment that can help repair chips and fractures and fill in gaps between teeth. It’s also an ideal solution for staining and can be combined with our tooth whitening treatments. Cosmetic tooth bonding by MyDentist cosmetic dentist Adelaide is a quick, easy and pain-free treatment. Little preparation is required, and anaesthesia is usually not needed unless the procedure is used to fill a decayed tooth. The dentist will carefully select the composite resin colour to match the surrounding natural teeth.

Once the tooth is prepared by applying an etching solution (to roughen the surface) and cleaning, the cosmetic dentist will apply the composite in layers, which are then shaped and hardened using a curing light. Once the desired look is achieved, the composite is polished to create a smooth finish.

While composite bonding is a versatile cosmetic dental treatment, it’s important to note that this type of filling is not designed to support the structure of a tooth, so if you have a weakened or decayed tooth, a restorative dentistry solution like a crown or inlay/onlay may be more appropriate. It’s also not recommended if you smoke, as tobacco stains can discolour the resin. For these reasons, it’s best to discuss your options with our experienced dentists, who can recommend an optimal restoration according to your needs and goals.

Inlays and onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are indirect tooth-coloured fillings that restore the tooth’s chewing surface. Cosmetic dentists use these restorations in cases where the damage is too extensive to be repaired with a composite filling but not significant enough to require a dental crown.

They can be made from porcelain, gold, or composite resin. Porcelain is the most common material because it mimics the appearance of natural teeth and resists stains more effectively than traditional composite fillings. These dental restorations are fabricated in a lab and bonded to the damaged tooth. This process typically requires two appointments.

Dental veneers

Veneers are wafer-thin shells made from tooth-coloured materials that cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. They can hide discolourations, fix crooked teeth or fill in gaps between teeth. MyDentist cosmetic dentist Adelaide will use veneers to correct various issues and can help patients find the best solution for their smile goals.

A patient will need a consultation appointment for x-rays and impressions to get a set of veneers. Meticulous cosmetic dentists will take the time to sit down and discuss a patient’s goals for their new veneers so that they can create realistic mock-ups to show them what they will look like when complete.