What is Search Engine Optimisation?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is increasing your website’s rankings on Google, including optimising content creation and URL structure. Harper SEO Auckland services may include everything from optimising images to building a social media following for better exposure on search engines like Google.

Harper SEO AucklandGoogle uses its index to search for pages that match the terms you enter and provide answers to any inquiries arising from those searches. It is an arduous task, with ranking factors constantly evolving.


Keywords are terms or phrases people type into search engines to locate what they need while at the same time being used by businesses to shape the content on their websites and drive organic search traffic.

Selecting keywords that best reflect a company’s products or services and their target audiences’ needs is one of the primary tasks in search engine optimisation. Companies typically choose those which best define them.

Ideally, it’s best to target specific keywords with low competition; this way, your search engine results will more closely mirror user intent and make for greater click-through rates.

After conducting your research, you must establish both primary and secondary keywords. Ideally, Your secondary keywords should be semantically related or long-tail terms supporting your primary keyword(s). Incorporating your keyphrase(s) in meta descriptions – short summaries that appear in search engine results pages – provides another great opportunity to include them and increase the chance that your page or post appears on the first page.

On-Page Optimisation

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) encompasses numerous techniques. One such strategy, called on-page optimisation, involves adjusting individual website pages to boost their search engine rankings. It could include changing content, title tags and internal links on each page with targeted keywords and optimising images and alt text.

On-page optimisation is a key component of Harper SEO Auckland as it helps Google understand the content on your web pages, matching user search intent with relevant pages that rank higher in results for certain queries.

Note that on-page optimisation differs from off-page optimisation, which involves building backlinks to your website and increasing domain authority. Both strategies can impact search engine results; however, on-page optimisation provides immediate influence over SERP results.

On-page optimisation involves naturally integrating targeted keywords into content in a natural manner to ensure it is relevant for search queries. Traditional techniques of keyword insertion – placing them at specific places multiple times – no longer prove effective, and instead, you should strive to produce useful answers to users’ needs and provide answers through your writing – include keywords in headers (h1> and h2> headers), within page content itself, as well as your meta description.

Link Building

Search engine optimisation depends on obtaining links from other websites, which shows yours is popular and relevant to search engines, helping it rank higher in their results pages. Search engines take into account both quality of links as well as quantity when ranking pages accordingly.

There are various techniques and strategies you can employ when looking to gain more links. Some include guest blogging, social media promotion, content marketing and broken link building. Tools like Ahrefs allow users to locate unlinked mentions that could link back to their sites, so you can contact those domains and ask them for links back.

Remember that while Harper SEO Auckland techniques may help, they shouldn’t be the focus. Ultimately, creating great products and building loyal audiences should always come first – the best way to achieve that goal is through producing high-quality content that naturally draws links and traffic.

Content Creation

SEO content reigns supreme. Indeed, search engines emphasise its significance by encouraging marketers to develop quality articles based on user intent and keyword research. One approach for achieving this is making all copy “search friendly”, enabling writers to focus on creating copy that resonates with both search engines and readers at once while creating an easy handoff between writers and SEO team for optimising on-page elements.

People seeking solutions for complex or challenging issues frequently turn to the Internet for answers. It gives businesses an ideal opportunity to assist customers, establish themselves as experts in their field, and build brand loyalty among customers. However, to do this effectively, they must first identify their customers’ questions and then present themselves as part of the solution.