Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Physiologic Gynecomastia

This article will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of physiologic gynecomastia. The first step is to understand this disorder, which can cause a significant amount of embarrassment. Several treatment options are available, so it is vital to understand them before deciding. After all, no one wants to be embarrassed in front of their peers.

Physiologic gynecomastia

gynecomastia AdelaidePhysiologic gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the male breast tissue. It is often a result of the onset of puberty, but it may also be a sign of an underlying disease. It can also be caused by medications or supplements, specific syndromes, or tumours. Regardless of the cause, gynecomastia is usually treatable, though there are certain things to keep in mind.

A thorough physical exam and history are essential for identifying the cause of gynecomastia Adelaide. The clinician should pay particular attention to medication use, cigarette smoking, and chemical exposures. They should also recall a history of any systemic illness. The patient should be examined to rule out a possible etiology, such as a neoplasm. Lastly, the clinician should inquire about the patient’s libido and erectile function to rule out hypogonadism.

A fifteen-year-old boy presented with symptoms of physiologic gynecomastia. His acne was unresponsive to topical therapies, and antibiotics did not improve his condition. The boy also reported general fatigue and an increased appetite, and he had gained 13 lb (5.9 kg) in seven months. His family history was typical. The only medications he was taking were topical isotretinoin and minocycline.

Patients with suspected underlying pathologic causes should undergo a screening battery of laboratory tests. The patient’s history and physical examination should direct the laboratory workup. Serum beta hCG and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate should be checked in all patients. Either of these hormones in the blood may rule out testicular tumours. In addition to these tests, blood tests will help define any hormonal imbalances. While hyperprolactinemia is not a cause of physiologic gynecomastia, it is a risk factor in a patient with gynecomastia.

In adulthood, gynecomastia is commonly multifactorial and is often a result of diminished testosterone production in the testes and increased aromatization of androgens in body fat. Other potential causes include medications used by older individuals. In addition, there is evidence that antiretroviral medications are linked to gynecomastia. Moreover, some unknown causes may be caused by psychoactive drugs, antiviral agents, and cardiovascular medications.


A male breast reduction, also called a gynecomastia treatment, aims to give the patient a flatter chest. This procedure can be performed under general or sedative anesthesia, but some surgeons also perform it under local anesthesia. Excess breast tissue is removed through a combination of liposuction and excision. Occasionally, the excess skin is also removed after substantial weight loss. Recovery from a male breast reduction procedure can take about an hour, and the patient can return to his daily activities soon after. Surgical scars are typically not visible to the outside observer.

Surgery may be needed to correct the problem. In some cases, liposuction is an effective treatment for gynecomastia. Liposuction involves inserting a narrow cannula through a small incision and extracting localized fat. During this procedure, skin elasticity and tone are essential. Combined liposuction may also remove excess glandular tissue.

Drugs or herbal products that cause gynecomastia include cimetidine and several ulcer drugs. Some cancer treatments may also trigger gynecomastia. Other factors that can lead to this problem include soy milk, mumps, liver disease, or certain types of cancer treatments. If you suspect that you are suffering from gynecomastia, see a doctor get a proper diagnosis.

A doctor may recommend hormone imbalance therapy as a gynecomastia treatment. A physician may prescribe the treatment for you based on the condition, breast tissue level, and underlying health issues. Gynecomastia treatment can take anywhere from six months to three years. You should avoid using illicit drugs and alcohol during this time, as these can contribute to hormone imbalance, resulting in an overgrowth of the breast tissue.

Even though gynecomastia does not usually cause any symptoms, the appearance of an enlarged chest may lead to distress, especially for men. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see a physician as this condition may be caused by another underlying medical condition. In most cases, the treatment for gynecomastia will target the underlying cause of the problem rather than the symptom itself.


While gynecomastia is often hereditary, other causes are known. Liver cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, and overactive thyroid are all potential causes. Drugs and alcohol may also contribute to gynecomastia. Certain antidepressants and herbal estrogen supplements have also been associated with this condition. Although these are uncommon causes, some medications can lead to breast tissue.

In a patient with recent onset of gynecomastiosis, the cause may be hormonal or drug-induced. However, if the cause is idiopathic, blood tests may help determine the exact etiology. In addition, other medical conditions can cause gynecomastia, including hypogonadria.

During puberty, estrogens are released. In pubertal boys, this is accompanied by the development of breast buds. The same is true for elderly men, where age-related declines in testosterone lead to increased estrogenic activity in breast tissue. In rare cases, gynecomastia is a symptom of breast cancer. But breast cancer is uncommon in males, so the exact cause of gynecomastia remains unknown.

In most cases, gynecomastia during puberty is self-limiting. It often takes up to two years to resolve on its own. However, the condition can persist past the teenage years in some cases. For these patients, a doctor may prescribe a hormone called tamoxifen. If treatment is not successful, gynecomastia will recur with the underlying condition.

Another cause of gynecomastia is hyperthyroidism. This condition is caused by different mechanisms, including increased aromatase activity. In addition, a high level of testosterone in the blood can also lead to gynecomastia. If you are experiencing this condition, your doctor may recommend thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) therapy to correct the imbalance in testosterone.

Regardless of the cause, gynecomastia is embarrassing and uncomfortable for many men. It can also cause self-consciousness, so it is essential to seek medical attention if you notice these signs or symptoms. However, you must be aware that the condition can be treated or eliminated if it persists. Therefore, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible if you have gynecomastia.


Certain medicines or illicit substances can cause male breast growth. These include anabolic steroids and anti-anxiety drugs. Other causes of enlarged male breasts include marijuana, an underactive thyroid, and certain medications. These symptoms may disappear or be temporary, depending on the cause. For more information, you should consult a doctor. A hormone imbalance often causes this condition, and a doctor can help you determine what you should do to treat it.

The initial treatment for gynecomastia depends on the severity and duration of the condition. Early stages are known to be the most treatable. In contrast, later stages cause the development of fibrosis. However, even in the early stages, the condition may resolve without treatment. In this case, your doctor may recommend treatment with a hormone-balancing medication. 

Some men experience pain or discomfort with the enlarged testicles. It may be a sign of gynecomastia in a man who recently started using contraceptives. In these cases, a hormonal imbalance is likely the cause of the enlarged prostate. Other examination findings may help you determine the diagnosis. If you experience pain or discomfort, seek help immediately. It is also helpful to talk to your family about your condition.

Testicular tumours are less common causes. Other less common causes of gynecomastia include chronic renal failure, liver disease, and hyperthyroidism. Your healthcare provider will ask you about your medical history and examine your breasts. If gynecomastia is more than 0.5 centimetres in diameter, your doctor may recommend that you undergo tests. It would be best if you continued evaluations every six months.

Pseudogynecomastia, also known as lipomastia, is another condition that affects men. It can also be a symptom of kidney failure or diabetes. If you experience either of these symptoms, seek medical treatment. Your health care provider may recommend an ultrasound to determine whether the condition is a simple case of gynecomastia or more severe disease.

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