Varicose Vein Treatment Options

Before deciding on varicose vein treatment, it’s important to learn about available options. There are several procedures to choose from, including endovenous laser and Sclerotherapy. Your treatment plan depends on the results of these tests, which your vein care provider will review with you.

Varicose Vein Treatment Adelaide Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which a liquid or foam sclerosing agent is applied to the affected vein. This agent collapses the vein wall and blocks blood flow. Afterwards, compression bandages are applied to the treated area. This technique is most effective for smaller symptomatic varicose veins. Click here to find out more information.

Most people experience minimal discomfort after the procedure. The procedure also leaves no scars. However, patients should stay off their feet for three to five days after treatment. The recovery time varies depending on the size of the diseased veins. It is also important to limit strenuous activities for the first few weeks.

The primary goal of Varicose Vein Treatment is to improve symptoms and normalise venous hemodynamics. In addition, this procedure involves removing visible varices, preventing recurrence, and minimising complications. Before undergoing this procedure, patients should discuss possible procedural risks with their doctor.

Endothermal ablation

Endothermal ablation for varicosity is an alternative to surgery and is used to treat large and small varicose veins. It involves inserting a tiny laser fibre through a small incision into the skin. The fibre emits pulses of light that cause the vein’s wall to collapse and scar. The vein is then closed with a bandage or compression hose.

Endothermal ablation was used to treat small to moderately-sized veins with a diameter of 2.5 to 11 mm. This technique requires the use of a special catheter. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. A 16-gauge needle is used to puncture the vein under ultrasound guidance. The GSV puncture site is at the distal portion of the reflux to minimise the nerve injury risk. In comparison, SSV puncture sites vary according to the size of the vein and the extent of reflux.

Before the procedure, patients must be evaluated for incompetence in superficial or deep varicose veins. The procedure also involves using ultrasound or duplex scanning to determine the severity of the condition. The severity of the disease is assessed using a venous severity score. It consists of nine clinical characteristics of chronic venous disease rated on a scale of one to three. Specific criteria are used to avoid overlap.

Endovenous laser

Patients should wear compression socks to reduce swelling and bruising after the procedure. Depending on the treatment, patients can return to most activities immediately following the procedure. Some people may even be able to stand and sit for longer periods.

After the procedure, patients are usually advised to wear compression socks for 24 hours. It is a precautionary measure to avoid any future issues with the vein. Patients are also advised to avoid standing for long periods after the treatment to prevent future problems.

Endoscopic vein surgery

Endoscopic vein surgery is a procedure that involves inserting a thin video camera through small incisions. The surgeon then uses surgical instruments to close or remove varicose veins. This procedure is an effective treatment option for severe cases of varicose veins and venous stasis ulcers.

The procedure begins by numbing the area of the skin where a catheter is inserted. The doctor then injects a numbing solution along the vein to prevent pain and discomfort. Next, a Doppler ultrasound device is used to look inside the vein to evaluate its condition. Click here to find out more information.

The next step is to insert the wire catheter. This wire catheter causes the vein wall to contract and thicken, which will eventually cause the varicose vein to disappear. The procedure is minimally invasive and can be performed without anesthesia or extensive surgery. The procedure is often performed in conjunction with laser ablation to reduce the appearance of a varicose vein.

In addition to Endoscopic vein surgery, other treatment options include lifestyle changes and compression stockings. For mild cases, compression stockings may be enough. But for more advanced cases, surgical intervention is necessary. For patients who choose to have surgery, anesthesia is necessary. Local anesthesia blocks pain in a small area, while general anesthesia makes the patient completely unconscious during the procedure.

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